Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. We are a Thelemic groumy name is Michael i really want to share my testimony on how i became an royal esgle brotherhood member, through my friend. i was moving with my friend for more than 10 years and he have been getting rich everyday and even giving me money but he never told me the secret of his success until a day i was frustrated to let him know that he should help me also that was when he open up to me and tell me that he was a member of the royal eagles brotherhood that he have been in the court for more than 10 years that his riches and protection came from this court. so i told him to let me be into the court but it not an easy task to be a member but i was finally initiated into the royal eagles royal eagles brotherhood and i was confirm in there temple. after a month of being a member of royal eagles brotherhood i got promotion that same month in my working place and within a year i was promoted thrice in my working place to the extend of being a managing Director i never know how to thank this eagles brotherhood and today am rich as my friend also, and also the one that surprise me most was that i got an accident with my new car and the car was right off but i still survive the accident and nothing happen to me i really thank you people royal eagle brotherhood. so i just want to share to the world that this is real and it have help me and work for me so if you want to become a member i can lead you into the court of richness and you will never be poor again, know that it only a member in the royal eagles brotherhood that can initiate you into the royal eagles brotherhood they do not contact directly because there are fake royal eagles brotherhood all over the world, this is there email [redacted] or call there grand master [redacted] they will tell you how to join, p working the lesser and greater mysteries of the Western tradition as these mysteries have been influenced by the Book of the Law. We accept all traditions except those whose dogma teaches eternal damnation or the subjugation of women or other groups based on race or creed. We are a society of individuals seeking to improve the planet by application of the principles propounded in the Book of the Law. Our rites and lore are cumulative and lead gradually to the understanding and intelligent application of that which has been called the Great Secret: Love is the law, love under will For further inquiries contact:[redacted] or call [redacted] blessings and blessings on blessing to all our anticipated members and true seekers We are a group of strong brothers who came from different walks of life for the purpose of alliviating the sufferings of our people royal eagles occult of riches and fame are most probably the most well known secret society in the world. For years the world economy has functioned on the premise: To get ahead you have to step on those around you. You are on your own, struggling to keep your head above water. This is what this gross misinformation with which we had been raised has led us to, to misery, uncaring and wanting. Secret Societies protect their members, protect what is dear and precious to them through secrecy, because if the rest find out, these sacred things including the truth will also be destroyed. we are here to protect you if you so desire! Registration into royal eagles Brotherhood is FREE as members are provided with FREE forms irrespective of their Religion, Race, Colour, Sex and Background.. Members are required to pay dues and to tithe a small percentage of the money they make as a result of the riches they make as a member of the royal eagles Brotherhood. Dues are only a small part of what it takes to show us you are committed. If we are to share in the Brotherhood’s honors and rewards, we must each have a stake. You will find the amount to be much less than what many private clubs charge but the benefits gained are much greater. You can benefit physically, spiritually, mentally and materially. Members can progress more in 30 days in the Brotherhood than they would in 10 years elsewhere How long will it take for me to become rich and powerful? royal eagles Brotherhood is about more than just wealth and power, as anyone who observes the often tragic lives of the rich and famous can attest to. Without true wisdom and inner power, the outer trappings of success are all in vain, for spirit is ascendant over matter. That which is eternal is of far greater value than that which turns to dust. royal eagles Brotherhood’s teachings are not aimed merely towards self-aggrandizement but for the greater happiness of the Member and so that they, in turn, may bless and help others upon the path of life. With that said, let us say that anyone, having the right knowledge, inner power and a circle of powerful friends, with grit and determination can attain to success and prosperity. The rich rewards of fortune and success are never obtained overnight. It takes tim
 2 months ago
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